Welcome to my BLOG ~ where you will find displays of my most recent work, upcoming events and competitions and studio news. For more detailed information, please visit my website at http://www.whitewishphotography.com.au/
On Saturday I had a studio session with the lovely F family. Sweet Little H is just 12 weeks old and had the prettiest baby-blue eyes. This age is quite tricky to photograph, but I think we got some beautiful images that you will love. Her big brother Master H, a delightful 2year old, knew just how to work it for the camera, making the session a whole lot of fun :) Please leave a comment by clicking on the link below, and feel free to share this link with friends and family. Enjoy!
Yesterday I had a studio session with a very busy little 16month old. I had almost forgotten just how busy this age is! Meet Master 'H'.... cute as a button, busy as a bee!!!
He kept me on my toes the entire shoot and I was very thankful to have his helpful Mummy chasing him back on to the shooting area for me. Each session is growing increasingly difficult with my growing bump, so I really appreciate all the help Mums and Dads give me :) Thanks Helen!
Enjoy your Sneak Peek ~ here are a few of my favourites from the shoot. Thanks for bringing your gorgeous little man to see me. Please leave a comment by clicking on the link below the images and feel free to share this link to family and friends.
Another tiny little princess graced me with her presence on Monday for a studio session. Meet Miss Millie ~ 8 days new! and her beautiful big brother Cooper. Newborns are high on my list of favourite subjects to photograph and I got lots of gorgeous images from this session.
Congratulations Scott and Jess ~ you have a beautiful little family :) Hope you like your Sneak Peek. Please leave a comment by clicking on the link below and feel free to share the link with friends and family xxx
Yesterday I had a studio session with two busy little BOYS and their lovely parents :) We got lots of out-takes ;) as well as some special keepers! These are my favourites of the bunch. Special thanks to Uncle Crossy & Aunty Nat for their entertaining value ~ much appreciated guys.
Enjoy the rest of your time on the coast! Please leave a comment by clicking on the 'COMMENTS' link below and feel free to share the link with friends and family.
On Wednesday I had a studio session with little E and her family. Yet another little dolly for me to photograph!! Look at her soulful eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This first shot is up there with some of my favourite images ever ~ I guess it is somewhat my signature shot ~ all about the eyes. I will be finding some wall-space in the studio for this one that's for sure!
The wardrobe choices for the family shots were just perfect. Note how they put the little star of the show in a cute pattern, then pulled the pink out of the pattern for Dad's shirt, and Mum's black top ties it all together seamlessly. Thanks for putting that extra effort in to your clothing decisions... it makes all the difference for great family images.
I am loving your images! Sorry they have taken a little longer to get up on the Blog, but I crumbled after you left and spent the last 2 days on the lounge ~ and I'd say I could be back on it very soon :( Hopefully we didn't share any nasties with you. It was lovely to meet your beautiful family. Please leave a comment by clicking on the link below.
This cute!............... Seriously, if little A gets any cuter, she may just be too cute! This baby doll is pretty much my faux-niece. Her Mum & I have been friends since birth because our beautiful Mums have been friends for years and years. Always love our visits from Miss A & L and hope that one day they will live a little closer {hint~hint!!} xxx
Comments always appreciated. How doll-like is she in this first shot? Porcelain skin, the prettiest baby-blues, and picture-perfect lips. Adorable!
Yesterday I hoped to get a few new pics of my gorgeous spunk of a nephew who is growing up way too quickly! He arrived all smiles, but when the big black camera attatched itself to my face, those smiles disappeared!!!!! Still 100% gorgeous though ~ smile or no smile :) Love you Kody xxx