Welcome to my BLOG ~ where you will find displays of my most recent work, upcoming events and competitions and studio news. For more detailed information, please visit my website at http://www.whitewishphotography.com.au/

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brown Eyed Boy ♥ Gold Coast Child Photographer

I am so pleased to say that after 13 years of not seeing eachother, I am back in touch with a very special friend ♥ Hopefully this time will be for a very long time ~ meet M, her beautiful little man. SUCH a cutie ~ big brown eyes and amazing lashes ~ future heartbreaker for sure.

Please leave a comment below and feel free to share the link with friends and family. xxx




The J Family ♥ Gold Coast Family Photographer

Yesterday I had my cousin and her lovely family in the studio to capture Miss C at one and some family portraits too. It was a busy shoot resulting in lots of great shots and a sore throat for me from making so many crazy sounds over a few hours!!!

Just two for now... I am yet to edit the family shots. Hope you like ♥ Feel free to leave a comment by clicking on comments below. xxx



Friday, January 15, 2010


Today little H came in for a quick mini-session and was a co-operative little, handsome superstar!!! I didn't get many individual shots of him yesterday at the beach, so I invited him to the studio for a little bit of fun today. He is such a beautiful baby ~ Lauren & Chris you are truly blessed. Thanks so much from bringing him in for me.

Just two for now ~ I hope you enjoy these images ♥ I am loving the tootsie poking out in the first shot ;) Too cute. And the little expression in the 2nd, priceless ♥




About 10 years ago, back in my Child Care days, I cared for 2 gorgeous little cuties E & M. Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing them all grown up [well ~ nearly 13 and 10 :) ] and more beautiful than ever. I also met Lauren and Chris and their adorable baby boy H, who is blessed with the most scrumptious baby blues!!

Thanks Cathy & Brian for asking me to be your photographer. It was lovely to catch up with you and your gorgeous family. I love so many portraits from your session ~ and hope you will too.

Please enjoy your Sneak Peek and feel free to leave a comment below and share the link with friends and family.







Monday, January 4, 2010

Chloe ♥

While the boys are away, the girls will play! Today I took Chloe to the movies for a bit of one-on-one time with my 'big girl'. We saw 'The Princess & the Frog' and Chlo loved it. Belle stayed home with Glen and Jay then in the afternoon we swapped, Glen took Jay to see 'Old Dogs' and I stayed at home with the girls. It was a nice special day with our babes. Once Belle went down for a nap, Chloe and I had a play.... with the camera of course!!

She is the sweetest little thing and oh so pretty ~ and LOVEs the camera which is always a bonus ;) We bit the bullet, and sent some photos into a modelling agency and she has an interview on Monday so that should be fun. Regardless of whether she gets accepted or not, we think she is ♥Beautiful♥ inside and out!


Growing up WAY too quickly, Chloe ~ 5 and a half.




Thanks for looking x