When it comes to this child, Aunty Jem just can't help herself.... so out came the camera and we got some very CUTE shots if I might say so myself!
It's hard to believe this little munchkin will be 3 months next week!!! Wow, how time flies!!! I can't wait till our new little bubby arrives later this year :) Love you Kody xoxo

.... and yes, you read correctly.... Kody LOVES boobies!!! :) Too funny!
Adorable, but why wasn't I invited!
Not fair.
It was a quick stop in mumma!
He is sooooo spunky!
God I love him!!!
Thanks Jemmy! Mick loves the photos too! xoxox
I love them too Krista.
He looks so cute in the green wash basket. So old fashioned, Jem.
Didn't know you could still get them. X
Garden Girl
Love the outfit... boobies Rule! XO Jade.
Sure do Jade, he knows what's best for him. Smart kid.
o Gail
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