WARNING.... this Cute little bubby MAY CAUSE A SEVERE CASE OF CLUCKINESS!!!!! ♥
Meet Master H... he first visited me for a newborn session last September...
And came back for a session with his Daddy, Mummy and Pa yesterday. I adore EVERY image ~ his amazing eyes are the windows to his soul and melt a bit of my heart ♥
Thanks so much for coming back to White Wish. I hope you LOVE your images as much as I do :) Please leave a comment below and feel free to share this link with friends and family ~ if he was mine, I would want the whole world to see!
OMG his eyes are so beautiful, skin is translucent, what a combination! I love the little baby crawling shot!
they are the most fantastic photos i have ever seen. They just look sensational. Thank you so much. Every body should visit you.
Richard & Danielle Ellis
Absolutely wonderful photos of this family - dreamy!
Thanks Jemma, you have a knack of capturing what I see when I look at my beautiful boy for everyone else to see. We'll be back!
How Beautiful.
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